Page 29 - Higgins Balers Ltd with Austropressen Brochure
P. 29
3x55 12 840 10080 16800 20160 42000 technical data subject to change >> extras
oil cooler, oil heater, oil care system
different hoppers for conveyor, chute
G-135-2000 1350 112 2000x1020 2,8 1100x1100 900-1300 32000 1250x190x430 1250x440x380 3x45 15 670 8040 13400 16080 33600 5x 3x 5x technische änderungen vorbehalten etc. tipping device and conveyor belt
control for process data highway
graphic display, operator panel
2x55 20 500 6000 10000 12000 25000 free-press device
light barrier for control of overfilling
bale outlet
longer press channel
technical data G-105-2000 1050 87 2000x1020 2,8 1100x1100 800-1200 28000 1250x190x430 1250x440x380 3x45 2x55 12 15 840 670 10080 8040 16800 13400 20160 16080 – – 5x 3x 5x perforator and distributor
consoles for 500 kg wire coils
cross binding
special solutions for different
material like foam etc.
3x55 10 680 8160 13600 16320 34000
ES-105-2000 1050 127 2000x1020 1,9 1100x750 500-700 26000 1230x190x400 – 3x45 12 570 6840 11400 13680 28500 5x 2x –
2x55 15 460 5520 9200 11040 23000
45+55 10 610 7320 12200 14640 –
ES-85-1700 850 103 1700x1020 1,7 1100x750 500-600 23000 1150x240x400 – 2x45 12 510 6120 10200 12240 – 5x 2x –
55 18 340 4080 6800 8160 – alle maschinen benötigen für ihre optimale leistung eine ölpflege, sowie heizung bzw. kühlung (abhängig vom standort) - to achieve the optimum performance, all the machines need to be equipped with an oil care system, including heating or cooling (depending on location)
product range
ES-70-1700 700 85 1700x1020 1,7 1100x750 400-600 21000 1050x190x400 – 2x45 55 10 15 610 410 7320 4920 12200 8200 14640 9840 – – 5x 2x – * materialabhängig bei einer ballenlänge von 1200mm - depending on material for a bale length of 1200mm ** abmasse mit zusatzbindung auf anforderung - dimensions with additional binding on request kanalballenpressen channel baling presses
technische daten presskraft kN pressure force spezifischer pressdruck N/cm 2 specific pressure force füllöffnung (b x l) mm loading aperture (w x l) füllvolumen m 3 filling volume ballenformat (b x h) mm bale size (w x h) ballengewicht* kg bale weight* maschinengewicht kg total weight abmasse vertikal (l x b x h) cm dimensions vertical (l x w x h) abmasse horizontal (l x b x h) cm dimensions horizontal (l x w x h) antrieb 400V kW motor 400V zyklus leerlauf sec. open-circuited time theoretische leistung m 3 /h theoretic full capacity pressenleistung 20kg/m 3 kg/h press performance 20kg/m 3 pressenleistung 40kg/m 3 kg/h press performance 40kg/m 3 pressenleistung 60kg/m 3 kg/h press performance 60kg/m 3 pressenleistung 100kg/m 3 kg/h press performance 100kg/m 3 vertikale bindung vertical binding zusätzliche horizontale bindung** additional horizontal binding** conform/conformity/conformité horizontale bindung horizontal binding vertical & horizontal baling presses; ES
We can supply:
semi & fully automatic channel baling presses;
can and barrel presses;
fully automatic can crushers;
waste compactors;
stationary presses;
tipping devices;
chain belt conveyors;
reel splitting machines